Your Dashboard
Everything you are interested in, on a single screen
Your Ethernodes dashboard displays more information than you might imagine. Here we help you break down what each piece of data means.
Numbers, from "1" to "7"
Representan datos numéricos que están relacionados entre ellos y calculan diferentes aspectos:
Total ETH balance in your account, also in its value in € or $
Total amount of ETH in active deposits
Total amount of ETH rewards generated and not paid out on active deposits
Total amount of rewards generated by token airdrops converted to their value in ETH, generated and not paid, in active deposits
Once rewards are claimed or paid, they are no longer considered in your "Total Balance". In the event that the rewards are autocompounded in ETH, they will be considered as "Total Balance" since they will be part of the active deposit.
Total amount of ETH generated historically by your deposits, also in its value in € or $
In the case of tokens generated by your deposits other than ETH, the amount of ETH generated by said tokens is added, converted to the value of the day on which the rewards were generated:
Amount of ETH rewards: sum of what is generated by each deposit (letter "l")
Amount of ETH in other tokens distributed: conversion to ETH of airdrop tokens allocated to your deposits (conversion to ETH value on the day of reward allocation)
Value in € or $: conversion at the time of the total ETH generated
Percentage increase in your ETH holding
Total ETH generated by your active deposits (paid - letter "m" + pending - letter "n") compared to the "Total Balance" (heading "1") in ETH, in percentage value
Total ETH value in active deposits
Considers deposited ETH + autocompounded ETH for those deposits in "Active" and "Pending payment" status
Does not consider Pending or Paid Rewards in ETH or other assets
Total rewards pending claim
Total outstanding rewards generated by your deposits, broken down by token type.
In the case of ETH, the conversion is carried out according to the conversion ratio of ETH to € or $
In the case of other distributed tokens, the price is obtained from the last token/ETH ratio that the active airdrop was at.
Sum of ETH in active deposits
Consider both the initial deposit and self-compounded ETH for your active deposits. Your consideration is shown in € or $.
It does not consider ETH from canceled deposits.
Does not consider rewards pending payment or generated in other tokens
ETH rewards generated by your deposits
Includes ETH generated by your active deposits, in payment process, or paid (cancelled)
Does not include the value in ETH of the rewards generated in the form of airdrops tokens assigned to each deposit
Letras, de la "a" a la "q"
From here you can start a new deposit on Ethernodes!
Institucional Tier
If you are an institutional client, you will see it reflected there, along with your Tier and the additional APR that is assigned to your deposits. Institutional tiers depend on the amount of ETH deposited in Ethernodes.
Contact us through any channel if you think you should be an institutional client!
Shows the profitability of your deposits in two time periods:
APR 7d: indicates the global profitability of the platform in the last 7 days, adding your institutional tier if you have it
24h APR: indicates the global profitability of the platform in the last 24 hours, adding your institutional tier if you have it
The APR of each of your deposits is calculated individually and you will see it reflected in the details of each of them (letter "k")
By clicking on this button you can claim the distribution of the pending tokens associated with your deposits, both ETH and other tokens generated by Airdrops
From here you can activate or deactivate autocompound for your deposits
It is the name that you have given to each of your deposits when creating them
It is the wallet associated with each of the deposits. Note that they can be different, since a user can create deposits from different wallets. Both the distribution of rewards and the return of funds when canceling a deposit will always be done to this wallet associated with each of the deposits.
Day you make the deposit
"Rewards start date"
Date when your deposit has started generating rewards. Normally it is "Date" + 1 day
Total ETH deposited + autocompounded, for each deposit
Profitability generated by each of your deposits, considering only the ETH obtained. It is the division between total tokens generated and the total initial deposit, annualized based on 365 days.
The APR DOES NOT include the conversion to ETH value of the airdrop tokens that you have received with each deposit. Learn more about the generation of the APR in FAQs.
Keep in mind that the airdrops token distribution mechanism benefits clients with smaller deposits, we explain it here. For this reason, your deposits, if they are amounts less than 10 ETH, can have returns much higher than what the platform itself offers globally.
Rentabilidad generada por cada uno de tus depósitos, considerando únicamente los ETH obtenidos. Es la división entre total tokens generados y el total del depósito inicial, anualizado en base a 365 días.
La APR NO incluye la conversión a valor ETH de los token airdrop que hayas ido recibiendo en cada depósito. Conoce más sobre la generación de la APR en FAQs.
Ten presente que el mecanismo de distribución de token airdrops beneficia a clientes con depósitos más pequeños, te lo explicamos aquí. Por este motivo, tus depósitos, si son de cantidades inferiores a 10 ETH, pueden tener rentabilidades muy superiores a lo que ofrece la propia plataforma a nivel global.
It is the total rewards generated by each of the deposits, in ETH value. Includes only rewards generated in native ETH.
It is the total ETH that has been settled in your favor so far for each deposit. Includes:
Autocompound Rewards: If you have active autocompound, the generated rewards are added to your deposit and are considered "paid" rewards
Withdraw: When you withdraw a deposit, the amount of the deposit will also be reflected in "paid" (initial deposit + autocompound)
The corresponding rewards fees claimed or deposit withdrawals are subtracted from the "paid" total. For this reason, you will identify a small difference between what you have generated and what you receive. The same thing will happen to you with the total tokens received in Airdrop format!
It is the total of native ETH generated by each of your deposits that you have pending to claim.
If you decide to autocompound on a deposit, any pending rewards will automatically be added to your deposit and will go to "paid" status.
Indicates the status of your deposit. The most common states:
"Active": your deposit is generating rewards
"Pending payment": you have canceled your deposit and we are processing the return of funds
"Paid": you have canceled your deposit and we have already deposited your funds
From here you can start the process of recovering your deposit. If you have rewards pending distribution, they will be added to the total amount to be received. In other words, you don't have to claim first and withdraw later.
Last updated