TOP Features
Last updated
Last updated is a platform that shares with its clients all the fees it is able to generate by acting as a Node Operator on the Ethereum network. In other words, the APR that our clients access is higher than the market by definition!
Descubre aquí las diferentes capas de rentabilidad de Ethernodes.
Discover the different profitability layers of Ethernodes here.
We've removed the barriers to entry for Ethereum staking. Deposit from 0.05 Eth.
Your deposit is activated immediately and starts generating returns on the same day you make it. Forget about waiting to start generating returns on your Eth!
Activate autocompound so that your generated rewards are included in your initial deposit every day. This will improve the efficiency of your deposits!
Yes! You can create as many deposits as you want with your user... using different wallets. Centralize your clients' deposits. Divide the risk of exposure across multiple wallets. Or connect your platform to isolate your users' deposits. uses Distributed Validator Technology (DVT) to operate validators. It does so by leveraging protocols developed by SSV and Obol, which allow you to create validation clusters by selecting your favorite operators.