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Can I autocompose my rewards?
Yes. The auto compose rewards functionality can be activated at the deposit level. This means you can activate it at any time and for any deposit!
How does autocompound work?
When you activate the auto-compound functionality for one of your deposits, all rewards generated and not distributed for that deposit up to that point become part of the total amount deposited. That is, the rewards pending distribution are added to the initial deposit, so that you will generate profitability with a greater amount of Ethereum. This process is executed daily, so that each day the rewards generated by your deposit are added to the deposit itself. Imagine that you have a deposit of 1 ETH and that this deposit has 0.05 ETH in rewards pending to be distributed. If at that moment you decide to self-compose your rewards, the deposit will become 1.05 ETH, generating profitability on this new amount. This process will be carried out daily from then on, accumulating the rewards from your deposit to the deposit itself.
Why autocompound my rewards?
If you are an Ethereum holder focused on long-term investing, compounding your rewards ensures you get the most Ethereum for as long as the deposit is active. Compounding your deposit implies that each day you will add the rewards generated to your own deposit, increasing both the amount staking and the rewards generated by the deposit.
Last updated